Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder ,which characterised by high blood glucose level (Hyperglycemia) in most of cases diabetes  is asymptomatic and it is really necessary to diagnose diabetes as early as possible because of it is important to prevent early and late developing complications of  Diabetes.

What is Diabetes Mellitus ?

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder which is specific for high blood glucose level.There are some factors for developing diabetes and There are two main types for diabetes mellitus,Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes.Type 1 diabetes has no exact cause but genetic factors can play important role to developing type 1 diabetes ,in type 2 diabetes ,there are some risk factors such as obesity, elderly age and lifestyle.

Type 1 diabetes is insulin dependent diabetes , because in the type 1 diabetes there are no insulin secretion from pancreas and those patient  usually develops ketoacidosis in the absence of the insulin treatment.

Type 1 diabetes is usually seen in childhood , it is also called juvenile onset diabetes.As a result of  an autoimmune destruction of the pancreas cells which we call b-cells.

Type 2 diabetes is called as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.Because in type 2 diabetes there are insulin secretion but insulin has loose its sensitivity.İn that type of diabetes characterized by high blood glucose level and rarely develops ketoacidosis.

Type 2 diabetes is most commonly seen after age of 40 and therefor  we also call name as a adult onset-type diabetes.And it is also commonly seen in obese people.Another factors for the type 2 diabetes is genetic defects ,genetic defects that cause also insulin resistance and insulin deficiency.

Type 2 diabetes characterized by two main forms such as;

1. Associated with obesity .

2. Late occurs but not associated with obesity.

İn the type 1 of diabetes in some condition may need medical emergency ,specifically in the condition of keto acidosis.But diabetes type 2 usually has no medical emergency,treatment with oral anti-diabetic medication is enough.

The keto acidosis common symptoms of Diabetes are loss of appetite,weight loss,vomiting,increase frequency of urination,altered consciousness and it may cause also coma and death.İn the case of keto acidosis seek medical help urgently ,if those symptoms occur.

What are the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus ?

In most cases diabetes has no any symptoms but it is very important to diagnose as early as possible ,because it is necessary to diagnose early and prevent early and late complications of diabetes.

Glucose main source for cells of our body.
Glucose provide energy to the cells.

Most common symptoms of  Diabetes :

Polydipsia (Increased Thirst )
Polyuria ( Increased frequency of urination )
Fatigue and feeling weakness
Nausea and vomiting
Weight loss or gain
Blurred vision
Increase getting for skin infections 
Edema ,swelling of legs and feet
Late healing of skin wounds
Less tolerance to cold
High blood pressure
Feeling numbness of fingers and toes
İnability concentrate
Headaches and dizziness

Most of those symptoms are related with the higher levels of blood Glucose levels.

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