Bladder cancer-symptoms,causes and treatment

The common cancer in men ,specially after age of 70.There is no routine test for screening bladder cancer.but most common symptom of bladder cancer is haematuria which means blood in the urine.The common symptom of bladder cancer usually occurs suddenly and has no generally painful

Other less commonly symptoms include
Feeling burning when passing urine
Polyuria (İncrease frequency to going toilet )

Tests which is useful for to diagnose bladder cancer are ;
Blood test
Urine test
Intravenous pyelogram
Abdominal and liver ultrasound scan
Biopsy and cytoscopy

A computed tomography is useful diagnostic tool for the staging bladder cancer.The most common using staging method for bladder cancer is TNM system.Which shows the stage of the cancer level I to IV

What are the causes of Bladder cancer

The caused of bladder cancer are not clear,it is unknown.but some factors that increase risk factors of bladder cancer those are ;

Smoking cigarettes
Chemical exposure like in textile,petrochemical and rubber industries
Medication for exp :chemotherapeutic drug cyclophosphamide
Chronic bladder inflammation has increase risk of bladder cancer.

Prevention of Bladder cancer
No smoking
Be away from chemicals which we described above

Treatment of Bladder cancer

Bladder cancers are treated mainly with surgery this technique called transurethral resection and sometime chemotherapy or immunotherapy.

For tumors which is already has spread than can be use radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

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