What are causes of Lung cancer ? Symptoms and Treatment

Lung cancer is the abnormally cells which growth uncontrolled in the lung.Main cause of lung cancer is cigarette smokers.Because majority of people who get lung cancer , they have been cigarette smokers.But this not mean all people who smoke will get cancer.As you know some people who have never smoked in their life  ,they get lung cancer too.But smoking is the one main cause of increase risk of lung cancer.

What are causes of Lung cancer ?

Cigarette smoking is the one of the main cause of lung cancer.But it is important that starting to smoke at a young age and how many cigarettes smoked.but if a person stops smoking ,the risk of lung cancer is greatly reduced and after 15 years developing the disease are similar to that of a non-smoker .

Lung cancer is most common in men than women,specially after age of 40.İn case of passive smokers ,also increases risk of lung disease and cancer.
The other causes of the lung cancer are asbestos,uranium,chromium and nickel and as well as air pollution

What are the symptoms of  Lung cancer ?

Persistent cough.
İncrease frequency of chest infection.
Shortness of breath
Sputum with blood
Chest discomfort
Loss of appetite and weight

Treatment of Lung cancer ?
Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy  used separately or together in treatment of cancer.

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