What is bronchiolitis ? Signs,Symptoms and Treatment

Bronchiolitis is an infection of the respiratory system, most commonly seen in infants ,it is more commonly  seen by age of 0-2 years.early diagnosed and treatment of bronchiolitis is important to prevent life threatening condition.

Bronchiolitis characterized by cough,difficult breathing,fever and prolonged respiration specially during the expiration.Main cause of Bronchiolitis is Viruses ( most common RSV ) and other causes are bacterias such as Ureaplasma,Mycoplasma.

Treatment of  Bronchiolitis

İn most common case supportive treatment is enough but in some cases may need to apply antibacterial treatment for to the preventing secondary bacterial infection.Condition with difficulty breathing may need to oxygen and intravenous fluids and clearing mucous secretions

İf severe case such as respiratory distress should need to apply bronchi dilators and using steroids.

Some of cases may require to hospitalization  to reduce risk of diseases which may cause severe respiratory dyspnea and infection

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