What Is Diabetes? Causes,Types and Treatment

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder which is characterized as  high blood sugar level.As you glucose is the main source of the body ,but in some case that source may can be more than which should be, so if it is higher than normal level  ,that we call diabetes.Diabetes may result of insulin production ,which can inadequate insulin secretion or there are no any insulin secretion.Insulin is a hormone which secrets in the beta cells in pancreas.

Patient with diabetes will typically experience polyuria ( frequent urination ),polydipsia and polyphagia,Polydipsia means increasingly thirsty and polyphagia means hungry.

The mainly diabetes divided into the three types :

1.Type 1 Diabetes 
This type of diabetes commonly seen in early adulthood or teenage years.in this type of diabetes there are no produce insulin.and this type also called as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes gradually increasing as common as type 2 diabetes.Patient with type 1 diabetes will need to take insulin injection regularly for the rest of their life.and also important to regular checking blood glucose level and with special diet,

2.Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is commonly seen in obese people and elderly,in type 2 diabetes pancreas does not produce enough insulin for the maintain blood glucose level or insulin has lost it's sensitivity.

90 percent of all cases of diabetes are type 2 diabetes.Diabetes today main problem for many of countries as well as in United States.

Good thing in type 2 diabetes, may patient do not need any insulin injection because type 2 diabetes can be controlled by losing weight,health diet and regular exercise,with the regular monitoring blood glucose levels.but diabetes type 2 a progressive diseases,it may gets worse and patient may need to use insulin or medication for diabetes.

3.Gestational Diabetes

This type of diabetes affect pregnancy.it is diagnosed by routine pregnancy examination with high levels of glucose level in the blood.

İn the most patient can controlled their diabetes with regular exercise and health diet.but some amount of case may need to use anti-diabetic medication.diagnoses  of gestational diabetes is important because undiagnosed or uncontrolled gestational diabetes may cause complication during childbirth and usually seen birth travma  due to increase weight of baby.

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