Diabetes Type 1 symptoms and treatment

 Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which is caused by lack of insulin secretion or inadequate insulin in the blood,Today diabetes affects million of people all around the world so it is one of the worst disease which affect human health.

Diabetes Type 1 is usually seen in the younger age even in the children,in the type 1 diabetes there are lack of the insulin secretion which causes increase blood glucose level.Insulin is a hormone which is secreted by the pancreas so believe that in type 1 diabetes there are destruction of cells which are secrets insulin hormones.

Main symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes symptoms are commonly seen  both type 1 and type 2 diabetes but diabetic ketoacidosis which means diabetic coma can seen mostly in the type 1 of diabetes so people who have type 1 diabetes should be carefully under control of doctor. Commonly symptoms of diabetes are ;
Polyuria which means frequent urination
Polydipsia ( feeling thirsty )
Late wound healing
İncrease risk of getting infection
And if there are uncontrolled diabetic patient can also seen diabetic coma 

What diabetes people should  do ?

Type 1 diabetes only can controlled by the insulin treatment ,insulin injection only way to regulate blood glucose level in the type 1 diabetes and people with type 1 diabetes should be careful what they are eating ,eating habits and lifestyle effects blood glucose level.so regular treatment of type 1 diabetes should be done with the regular insulin injection

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