Pancreatic Cancer-causes ,symptoms and treatment

Pancreatic cancer is the of the most common cancer ,which is commonly seen in men.Pancreatic cancer has a low survival rate ,it is most often diagnosed when already tumor spreads to the other organs.Today pancreatic cancer cause one of the...Read more →

6 ways to be Happy and Health

We all want to be happy in our life, but sometimes it is not easy to get both of them ,it needs to take some effort.In life as we know many Duff problems but we can survive and we can get both of them if we follow some basic rules and trying...Read more →

The Truth About the Acai Berry

Acai berry is a used for centuries by the many natives, it brings popularity to the Acai berry,because it is a health food and with anti-oxidant function.after Oprah Winfrey Show many companies,try to find main properties  of the Acai...Read more →

What is hypertension ? symptoms and treatment

Today many people suffer from high blood pressure,This problem gives many serious problem in the period of later may caused vessel damage and kidney failure so heart attack and etc.İt is very important that stabilize to the blood pressure...Read more →

Sugar Found to Increase Risk of Heart Disease

Research Fellow with Otago's Department of Human Nutrition Dr Lisa Te Morenga, Professor Jim Mann and colleagues have conducted a review and meta-analysis of all international studies that compared the effects of higher versus lower added...Read more →

Male infertility linked to mortality

A new study led by a researcher at the Stanford University School of Medicine finds men who are infertile because of defects in their semen are at greater risk of dying sooner than men with normal semen.  Male Infertility Linked to Mortality:...Read more →

Prostate cancer:Signs and Symptoms

It is very common type of cancer among the men,it could be aggressive cancer which spreads another part of the body and may lead to death too.But like in every cancer early diagnoses are very important for the treatment and prevention of the...Read more →

What are the common Diabetes Symptoms

Today diabetes is very common disease all around the world.Diabetic patient percentage increasing in the United State.Sometimes people completely unaware about complication of diabetes but it can  be caused serious complications such...Read more →

Fibromyalgia Symptoms, Causes,Diagnosis and Treatment

Fibromyalgia is a medical disorder in which a person feels pain and aches throughout the body, this pain is found in some points which are also called tender points, which include low back, hips, shoulders, arms, leg and neck. Tender points...Read more →

4 Facts About Cancer You should know !

1.Cancer is a characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells.Today cancer is a most common cause of the death so some facts about cancer,which you should know. .There are more than 100 types of cancer.we all have risk of getting one of...Read more →

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